Spring and Summer, @olivia.the.quinn @dianerquinn and I traveled to Hell’s Kitchen and Flushing NYC several times a week to #dance with @ilovedancenyc ! #danceinthestreets and #danceinthecity were alive this crazy year! #geekdadwarjournal #kpop #punkneverdies https://videopress.com/v/xpLTOl12?resizeToParent=true&posterUrl=https%3A%2F%2Finwalkedquinn.files.wordpress.com%2F2021%2F09%2Ftempimagewgy0jk.jpg&preloadContent=metadata

I Am Pro-Choice

When your friends and colleagues speak eloquently to your own thinking, pass it on! Well said, as usual, Ben!

In My Not So Humble Opinion

I have previously blogged about my feelings concerning the controversy surrounding abortion. Perhaps I was too ambivalent in my past statements. So let me state now, unequivocally, the following:

I am pro-choice.

I support the rights of women to have access to abortions. I believe that the decision to have an abortion is something that should be made solely between a woman and her physician. It is not the business of anyone else, especially the government.

Therefore I have been absolutely disgusted by the passage of a draconian, repressive law in Texas that bans abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, a law that criminalizes reproductive rights, that empowers private citizens to sue anyone who has assisted a woman in any capacity in obtaining an abortion, and that makes no exceptions for cases of rape or incest.

I am horrified and frightened by this assault on reproductive rights…

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